Last Sunday, Barbara told you about the project that the redevelopment team has been working on, a project about story telling.  This week we continued working on this project and made some significant progress.  We will be finalizing the remaining work to be done in next week’s meeting and this will be presented to you next Sunday at our congregational meeting.  We are very excited about this and can’t wait to share it with you.

We also continued our study of the book of Acts.  This week we saw the apostles perform miracles through the healing of many people.  The people that had been miraculously healed began to go out and “tell their story”.  Those that heard of these miracles began to tell other people.  As a result, more and more people began to believe in the Lord and their numbers were multiplied.  Evangelism at its best!

This is yet another example that we are seeing in the book of Acts about the power of telling stories.  We look forward to seeing you next Sunday at the congregational meeting where we will tell you the rest of this story.

Jim Barry